luni, aprilie 29, 2024


Mama ei de geometrie, asta mai lipsea din fotbalul românesc

Fotbalul românesc este într-o mare mizerie și nici nu avea cum altfel să fie aîta timp cît este finanțat de casele de pariuri. Că doar ăia nu te plătesc ca să fii tu corect S-a întîmplat ca în tinerețe să...

Plantarea arpagicului: trucuri pentru obținerea unei recolte bogate de ceapă

Toți grădinarii plantează arpagicul la începutul primăverii. Astăzi vă vom oferi detalii despre acest proces și despre prelucrarea cepșoarelor în vederea prevenirii afecțiunilor și combaterea dăunătorilor. După cum știți, ceapa poate suferi din cauza multor afecțiuni și insecte dăunătoare. Folosiți...

Cei mai gustoși mici – rețetă tradițională

Astazi iti prezentam cea mai veche reteta de mici cunoscuta in popor. Desi, de la o zona la alta, ingredientele pot varia putin, ceea ce vom ilustra aici este reteta neaosa romaneasca a micilor de casa sanatosi si gustosi...

Misterioasele pietre gigantice de la Baalbeck

Pietrele Baalbek sunt șase blocuri masive de piatră lucrate cel mai probabil de către romani în Baalbek, Liban, caracterizate printr-un gigantism megalitic fără egal în antichitate. Cele mai mici trei fac parte dintr-un zid de podium din complexul roman...

Breaking Bad movie details: It’s a sequel starring Aaron Paul, will premiere on Netflix

 The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take...

Chance the Rapper releasing debut album this summer

 The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take...

Hotel Debuts in Romania: Andaz Peninsula Papagayo

 The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take...

Where Can I Learn Spanish in Romania

 The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take...

Cardi B Deletes Instagram After Social Media Backlash Over Her Historic Grammys Win

 The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take...

Apex Legends dream run continues: 25 million players in a week

 The main thing that you have to remember on this journey is just be nice to everyone and always smile. Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take...
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